
They Remind Me of My Grandmother

They Remind Me of My Grandmother

“They remind me of my grandmother.” I’ve heard this, or variations of it, hundreds of times now, from anyone who finds out that I grow peonies. “They were her favorite...

They Remind Me of My Grandmother

“They remind me of my grandmother.” I’ve heard this, or variations of it, hundreds of times now, from anyone who finds out that I grow peonies. “They were her favorite...

Finding Local Flowers in the South Carolina Upstate

Finding Local Flowers in the South Carolina Ups...

May your vase never run dry--Flower Farmer's Blessing You love flowers. I know you do, because you hang out here with me. I also know peonies are your favorite, because...

Finding Local Flowers in the South Carolina Ups...

May your vase never run dry--Flower Farmer's Blessing You love flowers. I know you do, because you hang out here with me. I also know peonies are your favorite, because...

Field Tour, Early Spring 2024

Field Tour, Early Spring 2024

Ah! These last few weeks before the peonies bloom! We're watching the peony shoots race for the sky, as we put down fertilizer, spray fungicide, make sure the field is...

Field Tour, Early Spring 2024

Ah! These last few weeks before the peonies bloom! We're watching the peony shoots race for the sky, as we put down fertilizer, spray fungicide, make sure the field is...

The Peony Fields-Can You See Them?

The Peony Fields-Can You See Them?

In 2015, when I put my first flower seeds and peony roots in the ground, I agonized over what to call my fledgling business. A name means so much, it's...

The Peony Fields-Can You See Them?

In 2015, when I put my first flower seeds and peony roots in the ground, I agonized over what to call my fledgling business. A name means so much, it's...

Around and Around Again

Around and Around Again

It’s between four and five in the afternoon. I’ve spent the morning studying and schooling my children, and the early afternoon chasing down and checking off household tasks. So now...

Around and Around Again

It’s between four and five in the afternoon. I’ve spent the morning studying and schooling my children, and the early afternoon chasing down and checking off household tasks. So now...

How to Start a Flower Farm

How to Start a Flower Farm

I’ve noticed a trend among flower farmers: they’ll start a farm, work hard at it for several years, and then write a book. The book will be full of gorgeous...

How to Start a Flower Farm

I’ve noticed a trend among flower farmers: they’ll start a farm, work hard at it for several years, and then write a book. The book will be full of gorgeous...