First shoots of 2025

Look! The first little red baby fists of the peony shoots are up and reaching toward the sky. I begin checking for these about Valentine's Day each year, and there they are, right on schedule.

I have mixed feelings about the first shoots. Joy, pride, and excitement, certainly. Also the thrill of knowing that my ladies, who disappeared so frighteningly and completely over the winter, are still there, still happy and alive.

But right along with the excitement, I take a deep breath and brace myself. In eight weeks we'll be cutting flowers from these very plants. You'll be here admiring blooms on plants that are waist-high. That is some rapid growth, and keeping up with the plants as they hurtle toward bloom time is a serious sprint.

Also: Now the fun begins. I'll keep you updated here in this email and on my website.

These are Coral Charm peonies, and along with Do Tell are the first plants I look to for shoots. These early girls are up several days to a week or so before their sleepier sisters, and are the first to be ready to cut.

If you've planted peonies, are yours up yet? I'm dying to know. Do comment and let me know.

See you in the spring,


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